CCryptographicVerificationFailureException | Thrown when a cryptographic operation fails due to keys or data being corrupted, modified, or of incorrect length |
CInvalidRecipeJsonException | Thrown when a recipe string is not in valid JSON format and cannot be parsed |
CInvalidRecipeValueException | Thrown when a JSON value in the recipe is in an invalid format or contains an invalid value |
CJsonParsingException | Thrown when a JSON-string is not valid |
CKeyLengthException | Thrown when a key is specified to be an invalid or incorrect length |
CPackagedSealedMessage | When a message is sealed, the ciphertext is packaged with the recipe in JSON Format for Recipes, as well as any optional unsealing instructions it was sealed with (unsealingInstructions) |
CPassword | A secret derived from a seed string and set of options in JSON Format for Recipes |
CRecipe | This class parses a recipe string on construction and then exposes the Recipe JSON Universal Fields as fields of this class |
CSealingKey | A sealingKeyBytes is used to seal messages, in combination with a UnsealingKey which can unseal them. The key pair of this sealingKeyBytes and the matching UnsealingKey are generated from a seed and a set of options in JSON format JSON Format for Recipes |
CSecret | A secret derived from a seed string and set of options in JSON Format for Recipes |
CSignatureVerificationKey | A SignatureVerificationKey is used to verify that messages were signed by its corresponding SigningKey. SigningKeys generate signatures, and by verifying a message/signature pair the SignatureVerificationKey can confirm that the message was indeed signed using the SigningKey. The key pair of the SigningKey and SignatureVerificationKey is generated from a seed and a set of options in JSON Format for Recipes |
CSigningKey | SigningKeys generate signatures of messages which can then be used by the corresponding SignatureVerificationKey to verify that a message was signed by can confirm that the message was indeed signed by the SigningKey and has not since been tampered with |
CSodiumBuffer | A byte array containing a length and a pointer to memory (the data field), which ensures data is erased (replaced with zeros) before the memory it occupies is released for re-use by other objects |
CSymmetricKey | A SymmetricKey can be used to seal and unseal messages. This SymmetricKey class can be (re) derived from a seed using set of recipe specified in JSON Format for Recipes. So, you can use this symmetric-key to seal a message, throw the key away, and re-generate the key when you need to unseal the message so long as you still have the original seed and recipe |
CUnsealingKey | UnsealingKey is used to unseal messages sealed with its corresponding SealingKey. The UnsealingKey and SealingKey are generated from a seed and a set of options in JSON Format for Recipes |